Saturday, July 31, 2010

Shameless Bits - ::STB:: Lovers Lookout - Lite - July Group Gift

Lite Version - July Group Gift
Full Version - Sold in store for $1199L

The sounds of the ocean lapping below as you look out over the horizon to watch the sun setting into the water standing on this deck over hanging the mountains. The palm trees gently swaying in the wind. Your loves arms wrapped around you and they whisper words of eternity into your ear and gazing into their eyes seeing the vastness or their feelings reflected there,
your lips meet in a sweet kiss.

This comes with the prettiest cuddle animations in SL. These can stir all those romantic feelings while enjoying them with the ones you love!

Lite Version:
//1 Swinging animation
//1 Laying Cuddles
//1 Standing Cuddles
//1 Couples Dances

Full Version:
//1 Swinging animation
//10 Single Animations
//4 Chat Animations
//8 Ground Cuddles
//17 Laying Cuddles
//8 Standing Cuddles
//3 Threeway Cuddle Animations
//6 Couples Dances

Touch the item to get the menu. Select which type of animation you would like. Select the specific animation you want to use. Pose balls will appear. Right click the appropriate sexed poseball (blue for males, pink for females, red is unisex) and select sit.

Shameless Bits - ::STB:: Windmill

New Release - Saturday July 31th, 2010

Lite Version - Midnight Mania - 100 slaps
Full Version - On sale for half off - $599L

You've spent the day strolling the countryside with the one you love, at the top of the hill you see this old beautiful windmill. He grabs your hand and you run to explore it. The doors creak as you enter, and creep up to the second floor. Standing under the windmill blades, he pins you up against the wall and his lips meet yours in a fevorish kiss.

This comes with the prettiest cuddle animations in SL. These can stir all those romantic feelings while enjoying them with the ones you love!

Full Version:
//13 Single Animations
//4 Chat Animations
//13 Sit Cuddles
//8 Ground Cuddles
//17 Laying Cuddles
//7 Standing Cuddles
//7 Massage Animations
//3 Threeway Cuddle Animations
//6 Couples Dances

Lite Version:
//1 Single Animations
//1 Ground Cuddles
//1 Laying Cuddles
//1 Standing Cuddles

Friday, July 30, 2010

Shameless Bits - ::STB:: Kissing Palm Trees

Steals and Deals Weekend Sale July 30th - Aug 1st

Sale Price: $299L for the Full version and $75L for the Lite Version
Regular Price: $599L

Water surrounding, blue skies overhead, gentle breezes, warm white sand underneath. A deserted tropical island for you and the one you love. The whole day spent in the shade of a group of beautiful palm trees, talking, holding hands, and when the urge overtakes, kissing til your lips are swollen.

This comes with the prettiest cuddle animations in SL. These can stir all those romantic feelings while enjoying them with the ones you love!

Full Version:
1 Dance animation
13 Kissing animations

Lite Version:
2 Kissing animations


Touch the tree to get the menu. Select KISS. Select the specific animation you want to use. Pose balls will appear. Right click the appropriate sexed poseball (blue for males, pink for females, red is unisex) and select sit here

Shameless Bits - ::STB:: Heart Kissing Tree

Steals and Deals Weekend Sale July 30th - Aug 1st

Sale Price: $299L for the Full version and $75L for the Lite Version
Regular Price: $599L

The sky is full of twinkling stars, a warm breeze flows over you, the one you love beside you as you walk along the woods. Warm touches, soft murmurs of love and desire. You find a tree shaped like a heart, and you just have to stop to check it out, it seems like love is just all around you! They pull you close and lean against the tree, their soft hands surround you, and you look into their eyes and see the love and with a sigh of desire their lips meet yours.

This comes with the prettiest cuddle animations in SL. These can stir all those romantic feelings while enjoying them with the ones you love!

Full version:
1 Dance animation
13 Kissing animations

Lite version:
2 Kissing animations

Touch the tree to get the menu. Select KISS. Select the specific animation you want to use. Pose balls will appear. Right click the appropriate sexed poseball (blue for males, pink for females) and select sit here

Touch the Carved in I LOVE YOU to turn the heart emitters on and off.


When you first rezz the tree - move it into the ground until the pointy parts of the trunk are covered.


Do to the way animations are made, the pose ball on some poses may become buried in the item. If this happens, go to another pose, and then hop on the pose balls, then go back to the pose you wanted.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Shameless Bits - !LLK - Intimate Moments - Beach Fun

New Release - Wednesday July 28th, 2010

Lite Version - Midnight Mania - 100 slaps
Full Version - On sale for half off - $599L

Imagine a beautiful beach hidden away from the rest of the world, when you stumble upon it with your friends and hang out in the sun for a day of fun and surf, enjoy some munchies and beer as you romp and play, and when the sun sets, you and that special someone snuggling up together under the stars for some intimate kisses and cuddles.

Lite version:
each chair contains:
1 female sit pose
1 male sit pose

Cuddle towel contains :
1 Kiss Pose

click the beer and receive:
bacon cheeseburger
footlong hot dog
chicken leg

Full Version can be purchased 1/2 off for $599
Same as above except:
Full version:
each chair contains:
9 single poses females
9 single poses male

Beach Fun Cuddle Towel contains:
9 single poses
12 couples cuddles
6 Kisses
2 Threesome Cuddles

click the beer and receive:
bacon cheeseburger
footlong hot dog
chicken leg

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shameless Bits - ::STB:: Bed of Rose Petals

July 28 to August 1st- Merchant Guild - Weekly Sale
Sale Price: $299L Full Version
Regular Price: $599L

A day like any other, until they arrive. You see the spark of love in their eyes, and it warms you. And there's a mysterious little smile on their face, you know you're in for a surprise!! They grab your hand and lead you into the bedroom. The lights are off, candles surround you and you see a bed of rose petals spread about. You feel yourself being pulled down to the ground, love swells inside you as you lay with them and your lips meet theirs!

This comes with the prettiest cuddle animations in SL. These can stir all those romantic feelings while enjoying them with the ones you love!

Full version:
8 Single sit animations
5 Chatting animations
18 Cuddle animations
7 Massage animations
2 Threesome cuddle animations
5 Dancing animations

Lite version:
1 Single sit animations
1 Chatting animations
1 Cuddle animations

Touch the item to get the menu. Select which type of animation you would like. Select the specific animation you want to use. Pose balls will appear. Right click the appropriate sexed poseball (blue for males, pink for females, red is unisex) and select sit

Touch the pillows by the feet to turn the rose petals on and off, or type /543 on or /543 off.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Shameless Bits - ::STB:: Romance on the Sand Bar

New Release - Saturday July 24th, 2010

Lite Version - Midnight Mania - 100 slaps
Full Version - On sale for half off - $599L

After a day playing on the beach, a cold cooler of drinks, a beach ball drifting around, you and your love find a romantic Sand Bar and settle in. An orchestra of sound surrounds you, the chimes of an ocean Buoy, the waves crashing, the ocean flowing by, all a melody of romance as you lay with your love and watch the sun settle into the horizon! As the last rays of sun fall from view, you snuggle in and feel their hand lift your chin to theirs and in that moment, you know, this is what forever is for, and your lips meet in sweet kiss.

This comes with the prettiest cuddle animations in SL. These can stir all those romantic feelings while enjoying them with the ones you love!

Full Version:
//16 Single Animations
//4 Chat Animations
//17 Sit Cuddles
//8 Ground Cuddles
//17 Laying Cuddles
//3 Standing Cuddles
//7 Massage Animations
//3 Threeway Cuddle Animations
//6 Couples Dances

Lite Version:
//1 Single Animations
//1 Ground Cuddles
//1 Laying Cuddles
//1 Standing Cuddles


Touch the item to get the menu.
When the menu appears, select which type of animation you would like. Select the specific animation you want to use. Pose balls will appear. Right click the appropriate sexed poseball (blue for males, pink for females, red is unisex) and select sit.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Shameless Bits - ::STB:: White Petal Showers

New Release - Friday July 10th, 2010

Lite Version - Midnight Mania - 100 slaps
Full Version - On sale for half off - $599L

Stars twinkling through the trees leaves, the soft scent of flowers drifts by as the petals fall to the ground, water from the warm bath caressing your bodies as your hands wander over each other, and your love murmurs words of love in your ear and they lean into you and their lips brush your neck then find your mouth in a loving kiss.
This comes with the prettiest cuddle animations in SL. These can stir all those romantic feelings while enjoying them with the ones you love!

Full Version:
//9 Single animations
//14 Cuddle animations
//4 Shower animations
//7 Kiss animations
//4 Dance animations

Lite Version:
//1 single animations
//1 Cuddle animations
//1 Shower animation


Touch the shower head to turn the shower water on and off.

Touch the item to get the menu.
When the menu appears, select which type of animation you would like. Select the specific animation you want to use. Pose balls will appear. Right click the appropriate sexed poseball (blue for males, pink for females, red is unisex) and select sit.

Friday, July 9, 2010

RFL 2010 Fashion Fest - Stolen Intellectual Content - LIES!

Since the relay for life is a very dear cause to me, I would like to address rumor, inneundo, and lies that have spouted up regarding the 2010 Fashion Fest.
It was claimed that the 2010 RFL Fashion Fest itself was stolen Intelectual Property, since two of the organizers that worked on the event last year no longer work on it.

The owner of the All-Stars RFL Team addressed this issue here

And now that she has – I would like to say something.

Nikki founded the All-stars team. Nikki was the team captain during all three years of the fashion events for this team. Nikki worked on the fashion events the last 3 years in a row. How in the world can she been stealing the event?

The event is an All-stars event (and Nikki owns the All-stars group) – just because two of the people that worked it last year left – does not mean the event should be removed. That’s downright silly! If that were the case, NO SL event would be an annual event, since very few stay on SL year after year – let alone stay in the same group.

This whole concept is like saying if Wal-mart has an annual Christmas Ball – and two of the people that worked on the ball moved on and went to K-mart – that Wal-mart is no longer allowed to have a Christmas Ball! And on top of that, saying that the two that left should be able to have a “Wal-mart Christmas ball” at K-mart!.

Tell me where any of this makes sense! This whole line of thinking is just crazy!

Nikki tirelessly works on this cause. She and her team have raised close to $3millionL to help fight for a cure (and thats just this year). All these reckless bloggers and gossipers have made a mockery of that. They’ve accused a woman that has dedicated months of her life (this year alone) in doing nothing but fighting for those that need people to fight for them and raising money for those that are facing unimaginable horrors, of stealing! With absolutely NO shred of proof or anything close to a valid position! And on top of that, they've actually told thier half-truths and innuendos to others and others actually boycotted an event that helps so many. And you as bloggers fed into that! YOU personally caused thousands of dollars from going to people that truly need it, by flat out lying! I really hope this makes you proud. And the hits that you got on your sites (that you have never got before) was worth the damage you’ve done, not only to the reputation of a woman dedicated to helping others, but to the millions that the money raised here goes to help. You all should feel ashamed!

This is simple! The fashion event is an All-stars RFL event! It is not one or two past members of the teams event! And to claim that past members own it is just plain proposterous!

AND one more thing! Right on the poster for this event it says Renamed and Restructured, so claims that she hid the truth are just another LIE! Right on the poster it says it has been restructured! Right on the website it says its been restructured! There was no deception!!!!

I truly hope you dont start claiming that all events in SL that have a fashion show are now “stolen intellectual property”! Or all fashion shows that show fashion over time are “stolen intellectual property”. Or is it JUST the All Stars RFL team that can't have a fashion over time event? Can you even see how crazy that claim is?

I truly hope you all see these rediculous claims for what they are, and come on down to the fashion fest! It's amazing. Nine sims of fashion, skin, jewelry, poses, anything you could possibly want for your avatar is right here!! And so much of the money raised goes to fight cancer! Help us Fight for a Cure, and spend your money at the fest - see these amazing designers and thier amazing designs! Know that your purchases are going towards fighting for a cure!!
Thanks so much!!
Kisses - Shamelesss